Sunday, August 31, 2008

Crazy week

It has been a crazy week at the house. First, Kristen had to visit the crabbiest nurse that she has seen. Next, her blood pressure was a bit elevated, which led to the docs wanting to see Kristen twice a week. So now, every Monday and Thursday we will be going to the docs' office. Next, the doctor's mentioned Preeclampsia which sounds bad but everything always looks good after the blood tests and the other expensive tests they run. So, Kristen might have Preeclampsia, and she may not. The doc has told Kristen to get as much rest as possible-this has been difficult however due to the 7-pound human growing, kicking, punching, and tumbling inside of her. We'll see how this idea goes.

On a good note Kristen's school has found a substitute for Kristen's maternity leave. She has experience as a long-term and hopefully will do a great job.

Also, we have finally scheduled to see some Pediatricians, so pray that we love one and can cross that off our list.

Other than that, all is good, the nursery is ready, the bags are packed, the car seat is installed, and Kristen is ready to get that thing out of her belly. We'll keep you updated.


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