Saturday, September 6, 2008

Holding Pattern

So, we have had two more appointments with no real new news. Kristen's appts. included Thursday which involved a blood pressure test that stayed the same and then a Friday appt. where the ultrasound showed a baby with head down and slowly working its way down. Really, nothing new.

Kristen is slowly going crazy on bed-rest, which is only on its' fourth day. Heaven help us if it goes until the 18th. She has had a number of very good friends stop by for lunch and hanging out, but there is only so much HGTV that a person can watch. Oh yeah, she is also reading Tori Spelling's biography, which was a fun item for me to purchase at the book store. Overall, we're good, but anxious.


1 comment:

JMA said...

Hang in there Borsheims! We sending lots of prayers your way! JMA and peanut