Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week 32

Everything looks great. Heartrate of 146, 32 inches, and the head is down. Last weekend we did a bunch of shopping, almost completing the nursery. Pictures will be coming soon.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hospital Adventures

So, we spent four hours today in the hospital. Kristen woke up about 2:15 this morning, showed her displeasure towards the previous evenings meal, and then had trouble keeping anything down. I of course left her for 5 hours to do "stuff" and then rushed home to get her to the hospital. After having two bags of fluids pumped through the large-gauge needle in her hand, Kristen is feeling so well that she will probably spend her birthday tomorrow on the couch. She is feeling much better, but it was a little crazy for a bit. i will say this to close: the human body can produce some strange stuff.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Week 30

We just had our 30 week check-up and everything looks great. The heart rate was 146 and the doc said that LB was facing down. How she could tell I have no idea. Exciting stuff I know.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Well, we are on our way to finishing the room for LB. The paint is done, some of the furniture is constructed, and i only cut off a small portion of my finger. All in all, a good day.
